How do we charge the changes of bundles?

What you can usually expect:

  • There is no need to pay the entire monthly fee.
  • You will only pay a proportional part for the period when the service was used.

Charging in case activation and cancellation of tariffs

In case of activating a tariff:

  • You will pay a proportional part of the fee.
  • You will also receive a proportional part of free units according to the period of actual use of the tariff.

In case of cancelling a tariff (by switching to another tariff):

  • You will pay a proportional part of the fee according to the period of actual use of the tariff. If there are any free units left, they will not be transferred.

Charging in case of activating and cancelling separate and additional bundles

In case of activating a bundle with free units:

  • You will pay a proportional fee of the bundle price.
  • You will also receive a proportional number of units.
  • This does not apply to bundles which are updated according to the activation date, such as, for instance, Connect for a Month, Connect for Good from Abroad or Prepaid Bundles.

In case of cancelling a bundle:

  • You will pay a proportional part of the fee of the bundle price.
  • This does not apply to Data Bundles, Roaming Bundles, Bundle Minutes for Calls Abroad, MMS Bundles and Prepaid Bundles where the monthly fee is charged in full amount.
  • No remaining free units will be transferred.

To which date does the proportional charging apply?

  • If proportional charging applies to the change, the fees will be calculated with respect to the date of the change and the deadline of your billing period.
  • If you pay via the Billing, the billing period commences on one of the dates set out in advance.
  • In case of prepaid cards, the billing period is identical with the calendar month (from the first to the last day of the respective month).

Your billing period commences always on the 20th day of the respective month. You will change the tariff on the 12th day of the given month. To avoid waiting another 8 days for the next period to begin, we will activate the selected tariff right away for you and calculate it so that you may use it immediately. Therefore, you will only pay a proportional part of the tariff price for 8 days, and you will receive the corresponding number of units. From the beginning of the next billing period, you will receive all free units from the respective tariff for the regular monthly price. The fee for the original tariff would either be recalculated or charged for in full amount, depending on the type of the tariff. Unused free units will not be transferred after changing the tariff.

How do we charge the cancellation of a telephone number?

Are you cancelling your telephone number or transferring it to another operator?

  • You will pay a proportional part of the fee according to the period of actual use of the tariff.
  • This does not apply to Data Tariffs where the monthly fee is charged in full amount.

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