You can get your expenses under control thanks to the Current expenditure which will show your current spending at any particular moment.
Or you can set yourself a limit at the reaching of which we will send you an SMS. You can set these services in My Vodafone Self Care, under the main menu select Services - Billing and limit settings.
Overview of current spending
In My Vodafone Self Care in section Usage, you will always find information about your actual spending.
Roaming Data Limit
If you want to make sure you don´t spend too much on the internet when abroad, set up your Roaming Data Limit.
Every customer has it set by us at 1 300 CZK.
If you use it all, we will freeze your connection abroad until the end of your Bill Cycle.
Furthermore, we offer a notification SMS about reaching of selected limit to our tariff customers (FlexiLimit)
FlexiLimit will notify you with an SMS when you reach 75 % and 100 % of the limit set by yourselves.
Even after reaching the limit, you can keep using all the services.
If you want to be sure that you don´t spend any more on your calls, set up the FlexiCeiling.
Service limitation after reaching the selected limit (FlexiCeiling)
With the FlexiCeiling, you can set the limit you want to spend on calls.
After reaching this amount, we will automatically limit your paid services. We will only renew them at the beginning of the new Bill Cycle - or you can always change your FlexiCeiling.
We will notify you of the gradual use of your FlexiCeiling when you reach 50 %, 90 % and 100 % of your limit.
Notification SMS
Notification SMS will regularly notify you every 3, 5, 7, 10 or 14 days about the current level of your spending.