If you just want to be informed about the used-up limit, without blocking, our FlexiLimit service is just for you.
We inform you by SMS when you reach 50 %, 90 % and 100 % of the FlexiCeiling limit. After having reached 100 % of FlexiCeiling your paid services will be blocked but you will still be able to use incoming services and the remaining free units from your tariff or bundles.
Abroad - once you reach 90 % of your FlexiCeiling, outgoing roaming services are limited. Despite such effect, the incoming services which are included in your standard plan will be still active. To make it work again, increase the FlexiCeiling.
For setup you will need an administrator password. The settings will take effect immediately. We will inform you about the settings in an SMS.
The FlexiCeiling limit: