I forgot my numeric password. What should I do?

You can easily find out your numeric password after logging into My Vodafone using your email and password. If you have not yet set up this method of login or for some reason cannot find out the password directly in Self Care, use one of the procedures below.

How to restore your password if you have a postpaid tariff, fixed internet, or TV?

Select any of the following options:

  1. Online Recovery - On the main page of My Vodafone Self Care, click on the forgotten password link, then simply follow the instructions. In some cases, we may not be able to recover your password online, in which case please choose one of the other options. Please note, to recover a numeric password, it is always necessary to enter a phone number or service number. If you want to recover a password for email login, please refer to this guide.
  2. Fill in a form - please fill in a simple form (for non-corporate customers / for corporate customers) and send it by e-mail to Vodafone. Please type "Password" or "Request for new password" in the subject of the e-mail so that we could send you the new password as soon as possible. You will receive the new administrator password via a text message.
  3. Customer Care Line - call the Customer Care Line at *77 or 800 77 00 77. Our virtual assistant Tobi will help you reset your password during the call. If that is not possible, Tobi will connect you with our operators, who can also verify you based on a few personal details. We will then send you a new password via SMS.
  4. Vodafone store - you can visit any of our Vodafone Stores, present your ID and, after a successful verification, you can get a new password.

How to restore your password if you have a pre-paid card

Select any of the following options:

  1. Online Recovery - On the main page of My Vodafone Self Care, click on the forgotten password link, then simply follow the instructions. In some cases, we may not be able to recover your password online, in which case please choose one of the other options. Please note, to recover a numeric password, it is always necessary to enter a phone number or service number. If you want to recover a password for email login, please refer to this guide.
  2. Customer Care Line - call the Customer Care Line at *77 or 800 77 00 77. Our virtual assistant Tobi will help you reset your password during the call. If that is not possible, Tobi will connect you with our operators, who can also verify you based on a few personal details. We will then send you a new password via SMS.
  3. Vodafone store - you can visit any of our Vodafone Stores and present your SIM Card and the SIM Card packaging, or the plastic card from which you popped out your SIM Card, if necessary. After a successful verification, you can get a new password.

Corporate customers under a framework contract

Select any of the following options:

  1. Fill in a form - please fill in this simple form and send it by e-mail to Vodafone. Please type "Password" or "Request for new password" in the subject of the e-mail so that we could send you the new password as soon as possible. You will receive the new administrator password via a text message.
  2. Vodafone store - if the publicly accessible databases record you as the authorised person (owner, Executive Director, Chairman of the Board of Directors, etc.), you can visit any of our Vodafone Stores, present your ID and, after a successful verification, you can get a new password.

Corporate customers under framework contract cannot be verified by our representatives when using an alternative method.

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