Why does my internet go slow or have outages after replacing my modem?

Do you have a new modem to connect to the internet and are having trouble connecting after plugging it in? Find out what could be causing this and how to resolve the situation.

My device is connected to the modem wirelessly over a Wi-Fi network

First of all, reboot the modem.

Unplug it from the electricity for about 30 seconds, then plug it back in. Sometimes this simple step is enough.

Restart your device (computer/mobile/tablet etc) or try connecting with another device.

This will rule out the possibility that the cause is not in the modem or the connection, but in the device itself.

If you have the option, try connecting your computer to the modem with a data cable.

This is a very important step. If everything works fine when you connect using a data cable, it's because the Wi-Fi network settings are the cause. If the problems persist when you connect with a data cable, follow the second guide for connecting with a data cable.

Have you found the cause on your home Wi-Fi network? If so, it could be a weak Wi-Fi signal.

Try moving closer to your modem. Changing the frequency of your Wi-Fi network (2.4GHz/5GHz) may also help. At 2.4GHz, you'll get a longer Wi-Fi range, but the measured speeds will be slower. On the other hand, with a 5GHz Wi-Fi network you will get faster connection speeds, but the range of such a network is noticeably shorter. For more information on how Wi-Fi works, see this page.

You have a good Wi-Fi signal, but the connection is still not stable? Then your Wi-Fi network may be interfering with nearby networks.

In this case, changing the Wi-Fi channel settings will help. This is because if two or more networks in the vicinity are using the same broadcast channel, Wi-Fi networks can interfere with each other, resulting in dropped connections, reduced speeds, etc. See instructions for changing channel and more information.

My computer is connected to the modem with a data cable.

First of all, reboot the modem.

Unplug it from the electricity for about 30 seconds, then plug it back in. Sometimes this simple step is enough.

Restart your computer or try connecting with another device.

This will rule out that the cause is not in the modem or the connection, but in the computer itself.

Perform a factory reset of the modem.

We'll tell you how to do it on this page.

If you've tried all of the above tips and still have trouble connecting, let us know. Together, we will look into what might be causing the issue. You can reach the Customer Care Line at *77 (800 77 00 77 when calling from other networks). Simply tell our virtual assistant Tobi that you are calling about technical difficulties with the internet or TV(in English). Tobi will transfer you to our operators. If you are calling from another operator's network, you will need the payer number, the internet service number, or your Vodafone TV number (internet and TV numbers start with 8 or 9 and can be found on your Bill or in the My Vodafone Self Care) and numeric password to communicate with Vodafone.

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