What should I do if my Fixed Internet via LTE doesn't work?

Your connection is working but you're having trouble with your internet speed? Check out this page for possible causes and how to solve them. If you're not sure what type of fixed internet you're using, we can help you find out by clicking here.

Check the cable connections, turn the modem off and on.

Make sure the cables are connected correctly, try removing the antenna cable from the modem and reconnecting it. Disconnect the modem from the electricity for a while and reconnect it.

Try connecting to the internet with another device.

This will determine if the cause is in the modem or in the connected device.

Verify that this is not a network outage.

We don't like to see it, but sometimes our network also has problems and can be unavailable. In the coverage map, you can check the current state of the network at a specific address at any time.

You may have forgotten to pay your Bill and therefore have limited service.

Check the status of your payments in the self-service. After payment, we will restore the service within 24 hours. We then recommend switching the modem off and on.

Your Wi-Fi network may be interfering with nearby networks.

Connect to the modem via the network cable. If the cable connection works, interference from your Wi-Fi network may be causing internet problems. In this case, try changing the Wi-Fi channel.

Try resetting the modem (restore factory settings).

If none of the steps above fixed the problem, try resetting the modem. Modems usually have a built-in reset button, which you can press with a thin object (for example, a pen,a toothpick) - you need to hold the reset for a long time, about 25 seconds. The modem will be restored to factory default settings - this will set the default Wi-Fi network name, default passwords, etc. You can find this information on the label of the modem. You can find the specific reset procedure in the modem manual. After restoring the factory settings, wait a few minutes and try to connect with your device again (note - in the case of a Wi-Fi connection, you will have to search for the network according to the information on the label on the modem).

If you've tried all of the above tips and still have trouble connecting, let us know. Together, we will look into what might be causing the issue. You can reach the Customer Care Line at *77 (800 77 00 77 when calling from other networks). Simply tell our virtual assistant Tobi that you are calling about technical difficulties with the internet or TV(in English). Tobi will transfer you to our operators. If you are calling from another operator's network, you will need the payer number, the internet service number, or your Vodafone TV number (internet and TV numbers start with 8 or 9 and can be found on your Bill or in the My Vodafone Self Care) and numeric password to communicate with Vodafone.

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